Nathalie Boyke

CFO Schönauer at Börsen-Radio: Great potential for climate-friendly housing and best half-year in ten years

CFO Stefan Schönauer in an interview with Börsen-Radio on 31 August 2021 with Peter Heinrich. (Podcast only available in German)

IMMOFINANZ's so-called "STOP SHOP retail parks" are to be "redensified", i.e. IMMOFINANZ will build up to 12,000 flats on the roofs of the more than 100 shopping centres using wood construction methods. This living space is to be flexible in terms of size, climate-neutral and equipped with solar power and geothermal heating and, on top of that, have socially acceptable rents, according to CFO Stefan Schönauer in an interview with Börsenradio (in German). In addition, the operation of the retail parks is will not be affected during the construction work. Positive valuation effects in Austria and Germany supported the 2021 half-year result. Profit recovery due to lower Covid 19 effects. Dividend proposal increased to €0.75, group profit of €229m. Other topics: Acquisitions in the ATX real estate triad CA Immo, Immofinanz and S Immo.

Listen to the podcast episode here (only available in German)