We have our employees to thank for our remarkable success. This is why those of us here at CPI Europe have adopted a management style that is based on partnership, one that is geared towards respectful and appreciative teamwork.
Our management philosophy is based on the principles of openness, honesty and fairness within the team. Our regular feedback discussions between employees and members of the management team form an important basis for further development.
Through comprehensive coaching and training opportunities as well as specific areas of focus in performance reviews, CPI Europe allows you to assume responsibility for demanding tasks and to acquire knowledge within a relatively short period of time, and to gain the experience that is required in order to fulfil a managerial role. We demand and encourage dedication and the desire to make decisions. We try to fill our managerial posts internally wherever possible and as such, we also seek to support dedicated employees.
In keeping with the motto "sharing is caring", our managers meet regularly to discuss cross-divisional topics, strengthen the internal relationship of trust and promote team spirit.
Furthermore, we also offer you the chance to take part in all-day workshops, which are used to tackle special topics together.