Compulsory Announcements
Investor Relations

Announcement pursuant to section 83 para 2 item 1 Austrian Stock Exchange Act

ISIN: AT0000809058

Upon invitation for the 23rd ordinary shareholders’ meeting on 01 September 2016 IMBEA IMMOEAST Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH (100% subsidiary of IMMOFINANZ AG) held 10,000,000 shares of the company.

Pursuant to the exercise of conversion rights of the convertible bonds due 2018 27 treasury shares thereof have been transferred to bondholders of the convertible bonds.

According to sec 83 para 2 item 1 Austrian Stock Exchange Act it is hereby announced that IMMOFINANZ AG has issued 975,955,651 shares (no change) and as per today IMBEA IMMOEAST Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH (100% subsidiary) holds 9,999,973 shares of the company. Voting rights with respect to those shares may not be exercised (sec 65 para 5 Austrian Stock Corporation Act).

For further information with regard to the 23rd ordinary shareholders’ meeting please refer to the published documents.