Compulsory Announcements
Investor Relations

IMMOFINANZ AG: Announcement according to section 5 Austrian Publication Regulation regarding treasury shares

IMMOFINANZ AG has announced its intention to deploy treasury shares for financing agreements to be concluded with banks. The financing volume amounts to € 150 million.

In order to obtain the financing, based on the authorisation granted by the 19th ordinary shareholders’ meeting of 05 October 2012 pursuant to section 65 para 1b and section 65 para 1 item 8 Austrian Stock Corporation Act, 101,605,741 treasury shares of IMMOFINAZ Group shall be sold to banks at the then prevailing market value excluding the shareholders’ right to purchase shares (subscription rights) and the repurchase of the same number of shares upon redemption of the financing transaction excluding the shareholders’ right to a pro-rata disposal shall be already agreed upon. The repurchase price will be equal to the sale price of the shares.

In this context the details pursuant to section 5 Austrian Publication Regulation 2002 are announced.