Compulsory Announcements
Stocks and Shares

IMMOFINANZ AG: Change in number of voting rights and number of exercisable voting rights

Notice pursuant to sections 135 para 1 and 120 para 2 no 1 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018

IMMOFINANZ AG: Change in number of voting rights and number of exercisable voting rights

ISIN: AT0000A21KS2

Pursuant to section 135 para 1 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018, IMMOFINANZ AG hereby notifies that as of 14 March 2022, the number of voting rights amounts to a total of 138,281,992. The company's share capital as of 14 March 2022 is EUR 138,281,992.00 and is divided into 138,281,992 ordinary no-par value shares which currently represent a portion of the share capital of EUR 1.00 each.

These changes result from the issue of 24,232 shares from conditional capital to the holders of the convertible bonds due 2024 following the exercise of conversion rights.

Pursuant to section 120 para 2 item 1 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018 it is hereby announced that also the number of exercisable voting rights has changed. As of 14 March 2022 the number of exercisable voting rights amounts to 138,280,964, taking into consideration 1,028 treasury shares held by IMMOFINANZ AG.