Compulsory Announcements
Investor Relations

IMMOFINANZ AG: Disclosure pursuant to section 83 para 2 no 4 Austrian Stock Exchange Act per December 2014

Redemption of treasury shares

ISIN: AT0000809058

IMMOFINANZ AG announces pursuant to section 83 para 2 no 4 Austrian Stock Exchange Act that according to the resolutions of the executive board and the supervisory board of the company of 17 December 2014 based on the authorisation by the shareholders’ meeting of the company held on 30 September 2014, 11,224,687 treasury shares of the company have been redeemed effective as of 17 December 2014.

Due to the redemption of the treasury shares the share capital of the company has been reduced effective as of 17 December 2014 and after the reduction the share capital amounts to EUR 1,160,406,594.17, divided into 1,117,728,000 ordinary non-par value bearer shares.