Compulsory Announcements
Stocks and Shares

IMMOFINANZ AG: Dividend announcement

ISIN: AT0000A21KS2

The 28th ordinary shareholders’ meeting of IMMOFINANZ AG, registered seat in Vienna, FN 114425 y, on 19 October 2021 resolved upon a dividend distribution for the business year 2020 of EUR 0.75 per share bearing dividend entitlement.

Pursuant to the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting of 19 October 2021 the dividend distribution shall be qualified under Austrian tax law as repayment of capital according to section 4 para 12 Austrian Income Tax Act.

The dividend is due and payable on 25 October 2021 (Dividend-Payment-Date). The shares of IMMOFINANZ AG are traded at the Vienna Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange from 21 October 2021 ex dividend for the business year 2020 (Dividend Ex-Date). The relevant date for the securities account balance to receive a dividend (Record Date) is 22 October 2021.