Compulsory Announcements
Investor Relations

IMMOFINANZ AG: Notice - Share Repurchase Program 2014-2015

Publication pursuant to section 65 para 1a Austrian Stock Corporation Act, section 82 para 9 Austrian Stock Exchange Act in connection with section 5 Austrian Publication Regulation 2002

IMMOFINANZ AG intends to carry out a share repurchase program based on the authorisation by the shareholders’ meeting of 30 September 2014 pursuant to section 65 para 1 no 8 Austrian Stock Corporation Act. Repurchases of shares in the course of the share repurchase program 2014-2015 will be carried out by IMBEA IMMOEAST Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of IMMOFINANZ AG.

Date of the authorisation by the shareholders‘ meeting pursuant to section 65 para 1 no 8 Austrian Stock Corporation Act:
30 September 2014

Dates and publication of the authorisation:
01 October 2014 via the information distribution system pursuant to sections 81a para 1 no 9 in connection with section 82 para 8 Austrian Stock Exchange Act in connection with section 11 Austrian Publication and Reporting Regulation

Commencement and anticipated duration:
23 December 2014 until 30 April 2015

Class of Shares:
Bearer shares (ISIN AT0000809058)

Intended Volume:
Up to 10,167,053 shares

Purchase price:
Maximum consideration per share (highest price), both:
(i) 15% above the average of the volume weighted daily closing prices of the previous ten trading days of the shares on the Vienna Stock Exchange; and
(ii) EUR 3.00.
Minimum consideration per share: EUR 1.04 (represented pro-rata amount of the share capital)

Form of repurchase:
Purchase via the stock exchange

Purpose of the repurchase:
Deployment of the treasury shares for purposes in accordance with the authorisation of the shareholders’ meeting of 30 September 2014

Consequences for the admission of IMMOFINANZ shares to stock exchanges:

Disclosure according to section 5 para 4 Austrian Publication Regulation 2002: (i) The details to be published pursuant to section 7 Austrian Publication Regulation 2002 regarding the transactions carried out in the course of this repurchase programme as well as (ii) amendments of the repurchase programme (as the case may be) to be published pursuant to section 6 Publication Regulation 2002, will be published on the website of IMMOFINANZ AG (

This announcement does not constitute a public offer to acquire IMMOFINANZ shares and does neither obligate IMBEA IMMOEAST Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH nor the Company to accept offers to purchase IMMOFINANZ shares.