Corporate News
Photo(c)IMMOFINANZ_myhive Wienerberg_Wienerbergstrasse 7-9_Outdoor

IMMOFINANZ: Executive Board appointment of Pavel Měchura extended

IMMOFINANZ has extended the appointment of Pavel Měchura to the Executive Board until 30 April 2027.

The Supervisory Board of IMMOFINANZ has prematurely extended the appointment of Pavel Měchura on the Executive Board to 30 April 2027, with effect from 28 August 2024. The composition of the Executive Board therefore remains unchanged with Radka Doehring and Pavel Měchura as its members.

Pavel Měchura has served as a member of the IMMOFINANZ Executive Board since 16 June 2023.

Pavel Měchura is a first-class manager with long-standing expertise in the financial and real estate sectors. Together with Radka Doehring, he has been responsible for the successful development of IMMOFINANZ Group since taking office. The premature extension of his appointment to the Executive Board is now creating the basis for continuing along this path,” explains Miroslava Greštiaková, Chairwoman of the IMMOFINANZ Supervisory Board.

Pavel Mechura (member the Executive Board)
Photo(c)CPI Property Group_Pavel Mechura (member the Executive Board)
Pavel Mechura (member the Executive Board)
Photo(c)CPI Property Group_Pavel Mechura (member the Executive Board)