Once each year, IMMOFINANZ invites its shareholders to an annual general meeting. The decisions taken by this meeting cover, among others, the distribution of profit, the election of members to the supervisory board and the selection of the auditor as well as remuneration for the members of the supervisory board. The annual general meeting is officially convened through a public announcement in keeping with a notification period of 28 days. For extraordinary general meetings, the notification period is 21 days.
The latest schedule can be found in our Financial Calendar.
Our Shareholders' Meeting was held on 19 October 2021 – as last year – as a virtual Annual General Meeting in accordance with the COVID-19 Company Law Directive ("COVID-19-GesV"). The Executive Board asks for your understanding that shareholders and their representatives (with the exception of the special voting representatives) were therefore not able to be physically present for reasons of health protection.
The Shareholders' Meeting was broadcast in its entirety on the internet so that all Company shareholders were able to follow the Annual General Meeting on 19 of October 2021. We thank the shareholders for their active participation in our Annual General Meeting.
In order to achieve the best possible replacement in the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board of IMMOFINANZ AG has carried out a selection process on the basis of a qualification matrix. You can find the information on the selection process and the qualification matrix here.
Presentation for the Annual General Meeting (in German)
In view of the ongoing high uncertainty connected with Covid-19, the 27th Annual General Meeting was held as a virtual General Meeting in accordance with the COVID-19 Company Law Act and the COVID-19 Company Law Directive (“COVID-19-GesG, COVID 19-GesV”).
The Executive Board asks for the shareholders’ understanding that they were not able to attend the Annual General Meeting on 1 October 2020 in person in order to safeguard the health of everyone concerned.
The entire virtual 27th Annual General Meeting (German language) was broadcast live on the Internet so that all Company shareholders were able to follow the General Meeting on 1st of October 2020. We thank the shareholders for their active participation in our Annual General Meeting.
Presentation for the Annual General Meeting (only available in German)
Important information for download:
In order to achieve the best possible replacement in the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board of IMMOFINANZ AG has carried out a selection process on the basis of a qualification matrix. You can find the information on the selection process and the qualification matrix here.
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